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Version: ADONIS 16/ADOIT 17/ADOGRC 13

Welcome to the BOC Developer Portal

BOC provides a highly successful product suite that supports you in a variety of fields such as Business Process Management (ADONIS), Enterprise Architecture Management (ADOIT) and Risk Management (ADOGRC).

The products of BOC are built on top of BOC's versatile metamodelling platform ADOXX that allows you to easily and quickly build products to fulfill your requirements.

In essence, ADOXX provides capabilities to work with data based on a metamodel that you define. This documentation provides technical documentation for all users of BOC's products related to


BOC's products store data in a structure according to the defined metamodel and provide mechanisms to execute functionality on it. Data within a product's database can be accessed and manipulated using a powerful and comprehensive REST API. This API enables easy integration with other tools to allow our products to seamlessly fit into your environment.


OpenAPI Specification

The REST API Specification is documented with the standard Open API Specification (OAS).

Based on the OAS definition the developer portal provides a frontend for each API endpoint that shows the documentation and how to use the API. We provide a comprehensive overview of REST API endpoints which shows the documentation.