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Version: ADONIS 16-17/ADOIT 17/ADOGRC 13

JSON Web Token Authentication

JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. Authentiation using JWT helps prevent unauthorized usage of the API and replay and other abuse of requests.

For prerequisites to use JWT Authentication, see the REST API section in the administration manual.

Requests will always have to authenticate. Read more about Authenticated Connection here.


  1. When issuing a REST request, the client creates a JWT which is submitted as part of the request in the Authorization header (as Bearer token).
  2. The server verifies the token based on the proper content structure, correct signature and the token expiration time.
  3. When the JWT passes these checks, the JWT will be validated based on the ADOxx JWT REST configurations.
  4. Once the JWT token is accepted by the JWT REST configuration, it will use the claim defined in the relevant configuration's user mapping as username. The REST request will be executed in the context of this user.

Try it out

JWT can be configured and generally activated in the Admin Page, enabled for the REST API in the Administration Toolkit and then a token can be generated based on the configured mechanisms.

A possible JWT configuration in the Admin Page can be seen below. In this example, only JWTs where the claim 'iss' has the value '' are accepted. For the signature validation, the HS256 algorithm is used and a secret is configured. If an incoming JWT passes the validations, the user name will be taken from the JWT's claim 'sub'.

The shared secret for the signature validation can be generated programmatically (see further below), or on pages like Security Key Generator (Choose e.g. 256bit or higher and activate the option Hex).

Claims Validation Example
"claims_validation": {
"iss": {
"type": "string",
"value": ""
"index": -1,
"name": "My Test JWT",
"signature_validation": {
"HMAC_shared_secret": "6251655468576D5A7134743777217A25432A462D4A614E635266556A586E3272"
"user_mapping": {
"claim": "sub"

A JWT that matches this configuration can be generated programmatically (see further below), or on pages like JWT.IO.

String sIssuer = ""; String sSubject = "username"; String sSecret = "6251655468576D5A7134743777217A25432A462D4A614E635266556A586E3272"; long nTTL = 180000; // 30 Minutes time to live

Programmatic Generation of an HMAC Secret

The following snippet shows how an HMAC Secret can be generated using Java. For this, the library jjwt.jar ( is used.

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Programmatic Generation of a JWT

The following snippet shows how a JWT using the HS256 algorithm can be generated. For this, the libraries jjwt.jar ( and Jackson ( are used.

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The following snippet shows how the JWTUtil can be used to create a JWT based on data that would match the JWT configuration from further above and how this JWT can then be added to a REST request:

String sPath = "https://<SERVER_NAME>:<PORT>/<PRODUCT><VERSION>/rest/myEndpoint";

String sUsername = "username";

String sForename = "forename";

String sSurname = "surname";

String sIssuer = "";

String sSecret = "6251655468576D5A7134743777217A25432A462D4A614E635266556A586E3272";

long nTTL = 1800000; // 30 Minutes time to live in ms

HttpGet aMethod = new HttpGet (sPath);

String sJWT = JWTUtil.createJWTWithClaims (sSecret, sUsername, sForename, sSurname, sIssuer, nTTL);

aMethod.addHeader ("Authorization", "Bearer " + sJWT);