Create a new artifact
This article shows how to use the ADOXX API to create new objects
The snippet below will create a new ArchiMate artifact object
in the repository
The snippet below uses Basic Authentication.
Replace the values in angle brackets with values that fit your setup, e.g. instead of <HOST> use the host at which you access your ADOXX instance.
Click to view the code!
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The result should look similar to the following:
Status Code: 201
"locale": "en",
"item": {
"rest_links": [ ... ],
"id": " ... ",
"name": "MyArtifact",
"type": "Artifact",
"artefactType": " ... ",
"metaName": "C_ARTIFACT",
"link": { ... },
"icon": { ... },
"attributes": [ ... ],
"relations": [ ... ]