Retrieve a list of supported languages in XML format
This article shows how to use the API to get a list of the supported languages contained in the library
in XML format.
The snippet below sends a request to the endpoint /rest/<VERSION>/languages
and receives as a response an XML structure containing the available languages, each with ID and the language's name. In addition, the primary language is contained in the response structure.
The snippet below uses Basic Authentication.
Replace the values in angle brackets with values that fit your setup, e.g. instead of <HOST> use the host at which you access your ADOXX instance.
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The result should look similar to the following:
Status Code: 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<rest_link href=".." method="GET" rel="self"/>
<language id="en" name="English"/>
<language id="en" name="English"/>
<language id="de" name="German"/>