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Version: ADONIS 13/ADOIT 14

API Overview

This page outlines the endpoints of the REST API. The REST API Specification is documented with the standard Open API Specification, and can be downloaded directly from Github

  • Metamodel API

    With the metamodel read endpoint one could retrieve

  • Repository API

    The Repository endpoint enables to execute and extract search jobs. Get repositories and their statistics. The endpoins enables to read and write objects, models, properties, notebooks and more.

  • Favorites API

    The favorites endpoints allows to get, delete and add favourite data. In addition one could get recently opened artifacts.

  • Users API

    The users endpoint enables retrieval and modification of users, their roles and grouping.

  • Other

    In this category we added usefull endpoints which allow to get languages. Furthermore, the version and specification in form of json can be treived containing our OpenAPI specification.